Studebaker Vendors
Donation Program
Many of the vendors listed on this site have made monetary contributions to help keep Studebaker Vendors on the Web. If you feel this site has helped you and you would like to help me keep it active, please complete this form and mail your check to the address indicated. Sorry, I don't accept credit cards. It just adds to the cost of keeping this site active.
Thanks for your help!

To make a donation to help keep this site active:

  1. Print this form,
  2. Fill it out with as much information as you care to give.
  3. Make your check payable to Frank Ambrogio
  4. Mail to
Frank Ambrogio - SV
31654 Wekiva River Rd
Sorrento FL 32776-9233

    Name  ___________________________________________________

    Address  _________________________________________________

    City ________________________ State ____________ Zip ________

    Country  _________________________________________________

    Email  ___________________________________________________
